Friday, October 1, 2010

Xanga Post 23: Layers

9.4.2006 __monday____
I can make myself dream what I want..! I'm getting better at it. But I need to actually learn to control them. It comes and goes on its own, but it's happening more frequently. Then again, it happened frequently before, and then faded for a year. And then came back. So it comes in waves, I guess.

Speaking of waves. The other night, or the night before that (whichever night felt like a monsoon), it sounded like there was an ocean outside my house, with the rain and the wind in the trees blending together. I fell asleep to that sound.

It's funny that I'm reading this now, because all hell broke loose yesterday. ... via storm clouds.

I love falling asleep to the sound of rain, especially when I'm at home. My room is in the attic of the house, so the only thing physically separating me from the rain is the ceiling/roof. It makes storms sound so much louder and closer. Like an ocean.

It's times like those when I become aware that there are only so many inches of solid, layered material keeping the rain from landing on my face....

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